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Gemma-Louise Kaye



say YES to your evolution

The world has gotten complex. We need ethical, empathic, creative leaders to step up and express their maximal optimal contribution in every industry, and at every level of humanity... including (and especially) in the highest echelons of business, wealth and power.


Your success is a philanthropic imperative.


But... despite your current success, your vision, your creativity, your spirit, maybe even your brilliance... sometimes you get stuck, don't you?


Sometimes... mysteriously stuck.


They say business is about solving problems... but where do you go, and who do you hire, when you don't even know what the problem is? When you find yourself in a peculiar plateau?


Leadership can be a lonely place. You need somewhere confidential to work through mysterious blocks that defy logic... swiftly and effectively.


You need a coach.


But you are different.


So you need someone who thinks differently.





Chiarina Piazza
PhD, MEd, BSN, RN;
Associate D
ean, College of Nursing

“Lifelong leadership development is a priority for me as a leader and expert in my field. So I was thrilled for the opportunity to work with you! From the moment we began, it has been continued forward movement. You have this way of listening, extrapolating the essence of what sparks me and reflecting that back to me. In just a few short seconds, it is crystal clear. Truly I think you’re a lightworker, because your work is almost ethereal. I am fully ready and excited to pursue my big vision!”


David Mead
Professional Speaker, Leadership Consultant, Author

"Working with you Gem, it changed my behaviours, it changed my actions. It changed the way I think about people, and the relationships I have. Knowing that I’m doing everything I can to bring a deeper energy to my message, gives me an incredible sense of confidence and inner peace. The words are now coming more from my heart rather than my head. It used to be 70:30 the other way, and now that’s switched."


Mara Kazantzaki
CEO, Beyond Motherhood

"Gem has an uncanny ability to pull things out of your inner being. Every session included at least one goosebump worthy ”aha" moment, which led to shifts paramount to moving forward with my new business. She is not only a wonderfully kind and compassionate human being but an immensely talented soul worker. Her way of explaining things is incredibly vivid and imaginative, and easy to comprehend on a deeper level."

About Gem

Gem likes to say that she works "in the mystery space". A space that defies logic. A space of intuition. Of idiosyncrasy. Of the ephemeral. And... of the deep. She loves to work with people who feel a sense of higher calling, seeking to do their best work in the world... for their own success and for the betterment of all. In balance.


Gem believes passionately that a personalised, bespoke, divergent approach to coaching is needed... in particular for complex issues and always for high performance.


Her diverse career spans work in her own transformational coaching business, as well as previously trauma-informed counselling, disability & injury recovery in both government & corporate settings, project management in film & educational media, screen-writing, as well as 15 years as a Professional Actress, Presenter & Voice-artist, including time as the "voice of" one of the National Geographic Channels on Foxtel, Australia/NZ.


Gem draws from a varied knowledge base, coaching through the perceptual lenses of consciousness, soul work, the law of attraction, traditional psychology, neuroscience, trauma-informed counselling... creativity & artistry.


Gem helps people improve their performance.

Gem has helped CEO's, PhD’s, academics, leadership coaches, speakers, doctors, the ex-Police, world-class artists, elite sportspeople, mothers, and those recovering from disability, injury & mental health conditions.



Gemma-Louise Kaye

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Lee Prosenjak
Professional Speaker, Leadership Consultant, COO

"Working with Gem was a wonderful process!

Gem was very detailed about understanding my core purpose and long-term goals. The first time I listened to the audio, I was shocked on just how much insight, care, and love she put into it. Gem really saw me in the process. I'm now using the voiceover several times per week and each time I am thankful. Gem, thank you for your insight and creativity, I am immensely grateful."


Cham Tang
Co-Founder, Marketing Expert, Professional Speaker

“Thank you Gem for your insightful & valuable feedback on my presentation. I always appreciate how in-tune you are with people's emotions & how encouraging and supportive you are.”


Dr Chris Gilchrist
Chiropractor, CEO, Speaker

“Gem was instrumental in helping me achieve my goal of becoming an international speaker. She was always on point with an uncanny ability to get straight to clearing up how to communicate effectively & make sure my target audience would be able to receive the message I was sharing.”


Gem approaches transformational coaching from a place of artistry. She offers a bespoke approach to catalyzing clients through creative and performance blocks... into momentum and the creation of powerful new results and realities, aligned with their highest calling.


Your leadership is needed. It is important that you find your way through. It is important that you clarify and powerfully create the next evolution of your vision... for yourself and for the world.




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© 2024 by Gemma-Louise Kaye

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